Monday, December 07, 2009

John Berry's Lame Excuse For Not Complying With Court Order!

This is just bullshit. Since when do you just disobey a court order? As noted over at AMERICAblog, if you don't like the order, you fucking appeal it. This is what I do for a living. If any of my clients disobey court orders, they can be held in contempt, jailed, sanctioned, among other things.

It was one thing when Bush used to just disregard the law -- we got used to it and expected it.

But this? Obama got the GLBT money donations and the votes on his promise to repeal DADT, DOMA and work through assorted other issues pertaining to the GLBT community. And after the party seeking to have her partner covered by her federal health care plan, and went to court to get a judge to say she can have her partner on her federal health care plan, openly gay Director of the Office of Personnel Management John Berry says he doesn't have the "authority" to comply with the court order!
This video of his explanation is just bullshit. Now, it will be interesting what the court does when the 30 days are up and the Obama administration fails to comply with the court's order.

My earlier post on this subject.

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