Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Dancing With Myself" (Glee Style)

I am a new watcher to the show "Glee." Tonight was interesting in that it dealt with a wheelchair bound participant in glee club that had to figure out how to get to "nationals" because the school could not pay for the bus that was handicap equipped to transport him.

(Am forgiving the person whose dog was barking, damn it!)

First off, the scene in which he does an acoustic version of Billy Idol's "Dancing With Myself" was awesome.

Secondly, I had a two year relationship with a quadraplegic, and so I am quite aware of what people who are confined to wheelchairs go through.
I remember when I first met him, which was at a hockey game, that his friends told him "you'll get laid with that chick" which I thought was funny.

I love that the glee club instructor put everyone in wheelchairs so they can have a real time expeirence of what that is like.

I have this vivid memory of taking my boyfriend to Vegas for the (then) annual Kings' hockey game at Ceaser's Palace, (Not to mention his first time away from Mom and with a real time girlfriend) and running with the wheelchair trying to get from our hotel to the game .. .and having to use the back entrance to get in (laughs). We made it, thanks to all the help and assitance that many people do offer to those that are bound by a wheelchair.

I miss him, but alas, since his mother was his caregiver, and she had a lot more at stake than I did in the relationship, vis-a-vis the financial assistance she received, the relationship ended. Not because either one of us failed to be in love, but because he could not move and I could not earn a living moving to where he lived, nor could I live with his mother.


Anonymous said...

Carrie --- Love ya, but people are not bound to, or by, the wheelchair. People USE wheelchairs. They're quite liberating. "Wheechair-bound" is inaccurate and pejorative.

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW...did I hear you on NPR the other day?

Carrie said...

I am not sure why you think a wheelchair is liberating, or that certain terms used in my post are inaccurate and perjorative, but you are entitled to your opinion, and so be it. I can tell you from my experience with not only my old boyfriend, but with a lot of people that must use wheelchairs to get around, they are anything but liberating. They are a must for certain people. or they would be simply unable to get from point A to point B. Some can move their own chairs, some need help. Never once did I ever hear anyone tell me their chair was "liberating." Most wanted to be liberated from their wheelchairs.

No, I am not on NPR, although you are not the first person to ask me that.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I am a wheelchair user of 29 years vintage. I can assure you that without my wheelchair (I loves my wheelchair!) I WOULD be confined. It is in that sense that it is liberating. I have lived and worked with dozens and dozens of paras, quads, and others who agree. A person who uses a chair to get around is no more bound to or by it than someone who can't see well without glasses.
Having said that, I took no offense to your post; it's just the term that is wrong, and I hope I didn't cause offense to you by my comments. I have enjoyed your blog for a long time now, and that will continue. Best wishes! And find the impostor on NPR!

Carrie said...

Thanks for a better explanation of what you meant, and no offense has been taken. In some ways, we just have had different experiences, and both are valid. I will take note to refrain from using the term "wheelchair bound" as I do see your point.

As an aside, I am always amazed at who continues to read my blog. Although I am unable to actually know the name of all my regular readers, thanks to sitemeter, I can determine the regulars by their ISP numbers, and of course, their city and state.

I am curious, though, how you found your way to my blog, how long you've been a regular reader, and what it is you like best with respect to my posts. If you don't mind, that is (grins).

Anonymous said...

As a proud liberal in a deeply red area of a deeply red state, I seek out any voice of reason. I found the bar and grill at least 5 years ago by way of a link from...Atrios, Kos, Digby, Avedon...I don't remember. It seemed like a nice place to stop in the morning and the evening. I like your rants and your rock and roll sensibilities. I'll let the Chargers thing slide...
Keep serving them up.

Carrie said...

------> sending you a shot of tequila!

Thanks for the input. No, seriously, thanks for the input!

Uh, mmmm, GO CHARGERS!!!!