Friday, October 09, 2009

Congratulations On The Prize, Obama

I woke up to reading all the criticism from the Republican party over Obama's Nobel Peace prize award. At first I was not sure if it was a truth, and had to go to Google News to check for a fact that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

I am not surprised at the right wing nut jobs in the Republican party are all in an uproar. They've derided the Nobel awards for years now, ever since Al Gore won it in 2007. Regardless, the rest of the sane world holds the Nobels in high esteem.

But, it does prove the point I've made before on this blog that the right wingers of the Republican party are so out of touch with America and American values in today's world, that they continually go out of their way to support outlandish ideology that is at odds with mainstream thinking. As Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) said, the “appropriate response” is to say “congratulations” to Obama. If Pawlenty can say that, let that be a lesson to the rest of the Republicans. Sit down, shut up, and show some respect for this country, damn it.


Tony said...

Well on this Carrie I agree. Congratulations on the award BHO. I mean he had nothing to do with getting the award, the committee nominated and voted for him for whatever reason. Its still his honor and should be treated as such.

Carrie said...

Glad to see you take the opposite stance from your "party" in response to the award. It's not like anyone lobbies for this award. If I am not mistaken, they don't even know they've been nominated!

If the Nobel Committee decided Obama deserved the award and gave it to him, are we to be like Kanye and take the mike away (laughs at own joke)?

Tony said...

Great analogy with Kayne. I call it as I see it, I don't follow the party line. I just agree with the party line 98% of the time. That's just me!