Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama Administration Really Pissing Off GLBT Community And Their Advocates

I am not sure how many of my readers have been following the outcry from the GLBT community over the Obama Administration's DOJ brief filed in support (yes, you read that correctly, SUPPORT) of the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), the action of congress that Obama campaigned he would repeal (among other GLBT issues he campaigned on as opposing and vowing to repeal and/or end), but AMERICAblog has been all over it, here, and here, for starters.

I actually work in the same building and am on the same floor as the West Coast office of Lambda Legal. I've been out sick for a few days, but I will most definitely talk to my friends across the hall and get their take, as well as current updates on what they are doing, and will post what I can.

Stay tuned.


Bob said...

As i understand it, DoJ is required to be prepared to defend a federal law, but is not required to do so enthusiastically or perversely. DOMA prevents the extension of important Federal benefits even in domestic partnerships. So if Democrats are not prepared to fight for repeal, they should at least seek a revision.

Carrie said...

And the "perversely" part is what the community outrage is all about.

Tony said...

I actually do not think Obama is going back on a promise. I do not remember him pandering the homosexuals during the campaign. In fact he made it quite clear he supported DOMA and he also supported Prop 8. I never understood the gays lining up to support him since he made it clear he did not support them. There is so much to dislike about this President, but this is one issue he did not flip flop on and one of the few issues I agree with him on.

Tony said...

Oh Carrie, I must apologize, you are correct...The Big O has once again flip flopped. Though it appears he flip and flopped on this issue while campaigning. In many of his campaign speeches he spoke of his support of DOMA and Prop 8, but then there are other speeches where he denounces DOMA as abhorant. I truly believe most Americans did not HEAR most of his speeches, they just listened to them. Those that followed his words knew he didn't stand for anything except winning. That is what politics is all about anyway, win by any means.