Monday, May 11, 2009

What Part Of Change Don't You Understand?

The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming

I know that was a Norman Jewison movie, (which my uncle played drums with the band that did most of the sound score - don't confuse that with the soundtrack, which would be the songs used in the movie as opposed to the musical sounds of the movie), but it's what came to mind after all this reading about how "immigrants" are changing the face of politics.

Many of those that are in power in ex-Bushland, and in the Beltway, and in control of conservative talking points are usually just a generation away from their grandparents having come to America from some other country. It was their politics, their children's politics and their grandchildren's politics that have shaped this country.

So, when those older, died in the wool, this is my country, white Christian males. try to tell me there is no room left in America to tolerate the new immigrant politics, I just have to roll my eyes.

The whole point of America is that it is supposed to continually evolve as a nation, not be stagnant at some point in the timeline run by a small contingent of people who have their hands over their eyes.

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