Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama Flip Flops Again

He talks the talk, but does not walk the walk. That is Obama, our president.

Gives out taxpayer money to big banks with no oversight, and takes advice from the banking industry that messed things up.

Gives out taxpayer money to Wall Street with no oversight, and heads up his "oversight" committee with the very people that worked with Wall Street to create the financial boondoggle.

He says he will repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law, and yet, he continually refrains from doing so, making excuses one after the other. What, writing a letter to someone that's been fired for admitting being gay is supposed to assuage the problem? I think not.

I could go on, and on, and on, about the campaign promises that Obama just seems unable to actually come through on. And now we have the photo issue.

The ACLU lawsuit is at a point that the government was ordered to release certain photographs concerning the torturing of prisoners of war by our American troops. The Second Circuit Court ruled in December of 2008 that the photos had to be released. In April 2009, the Department of Justice agreed to release these photographs -- which, by the way, caused the vapors for all those on the right spectrum of politics in government and on television (I can't say that Americans, as a whole, had a problem with the release of the pictures). Obama supported the release of the photos. But now, today, Obama reverses himself and is reneging on his agreement to release the photos.

And they called Kerry the flip flopper!

Bush Lite, Our New American President. Same old story, same old game, same people doing the same fuck you to Americans -- except, sadly, it's got a Democratic stamp on it. Kind of makes me sick to my stomach.


Tony said...

Carrie, you cannot say you are surprised. I even told you that you were being too idealistic in your faith in Obama. No one can do what you believe is the right thing to do because he/she knows it would be political suicide. The only thing important now is re-election in 2012, not the past promises. That is true with all politicians, democrat or republican. Everyone hates congress...except for my representative...and as long as everyone loves their rep nothing will change. That is the sad truth about politics in America. I've been out of touch due to the fact I had a massive heart attack ( I blame Obama LOL!), but I'm getting better (thanks to private healthcare) so I'll post again!

Carrie said...

Sorry to hear about the medical problems. I truly hope you recover well.

As for the rest of the post, I feel I have to constantly remind you that I did not vote for Obama based on what he stood for or what platform he espoused. My post was simply about the fact that the campaign rhetoric appears to be just that, rhetoric. I was originally going to abstain from this election, but decided to become a part of a singular event in history, which you decided was racist, in that I opted to vote for the first black president of the United States.

I am no more an Obama fan than I am/were a McCain fan. I just call it as I see it.

And it's a flip flopper if I ever saw one!