Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some Serious AIG Grilling -- Anyone Need More Barbecue Sauce?

This is just astounding to watch. AIG head refuses to name the names of people who worked for AIG in the very department that caused them to go into the ground. And the asshole first claims he actually has no knowledge of the names of the employees who work for him, and secondly, he has to seek advice of counsel before providing congress with any names because, as he slips up, he starts to say that he doesn't want to provide congress or anyone else (that meaning G.Q. Public) with ammunition to do something. Yeah, like raise holy hell and file class action suits on behalf of the taxpaying people, Mr. AIG dude.

Slime, pure slime. And under Bush's watch, congress couldn't jump higher or run faster to pass the bill that gave these shitheads taxpayer money in the first place, without proper restrictions and oversight.

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