Monday, February 09, 2009

My Take On The President's Press Conference

First up, on this press conference, it was nice to see a president that could speak in complete sentences, and could actually answer the questions (well, except for Helen Thomas' one about who else in the middle east has nukes -- cough cough, Israel, cough cough), and he understood the issues. Bush was such an ass that he rarely held conferences that allowed for real questions, because he was too dumb to even know how to answer them.

I usually watch CSPAN but went to the talking heads shows for the after-talk just to see what kind of reaction the "media" were going to spin on this press conference.

We shall see what happens with the stimulus bill. Personally, I am still not happy with all this "bipartisanship" talk. All the Republicans have done the past eight years is bankrupt this country, and pocketed as much money in their oil, banking, lobbying, defense contracting and other rich people's pockets (including their own), and then to have the entire House vote NAY on the stimulus package, was like giving the finger to all Americans. That is just not right, and if bipartisanship means kowtowing to the very people that gave us this mess, I say give them the finger right back.

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