Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who Can Afford COBRA When You Don't Have A Job, Anyway?

The cost of buying health insurance for unemployed Americans who try to purchase coverage through a former employer consumes 30 percent to 84 percent of standard unemployment benefits, according to a report released yesterday.

As Chris in Paris says:
Instead of cash handouts and yet another round of business tax deductions, solving problems like this ought to be considered first. It would be nice to think that our next President who ran on a campaign of change would actually target change instead of the same old, same old. Is that really asking for too much?

It is not asking for too much, but like I, and many of the netroots are beginning to see, Obama is not going to be able to deliver on his promise of "change." Unless, of course, you count his "changing" his original plans to suit the MINORITY party's demands -- which it appears he is willing to do.

Obama, word up, dude. The economy is tanking. We don't need more tax cuts for the wealthy. We don't need $19 more per paycheck either. We need REAL STIMULUS in the REAL ECONOMY, not bailouts, not handouts, not free money. Fix it, damn it.

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