Sunday, January 04, 2009

Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting For An Economic Stimulus Plan For America

I don't think it matters if the Senate were made up of 75% Democrats, they would still be unable to steer this country out of the recession, and keep a depression from hitting.

Lowering expectations for quick passage of an economic stimulus bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected setting "some false deadline" for delivering legislation to President Obama, in favor of a more deliberate approach that allows Congress to get the package right "the first time."

Congressional leaders had hoped to hand Obama a completed economic assistance package immediately after he is sworn in on Jan. 20, but that timing looks increasingly doubtful as the legislation grows in complexity and size. In separate interviews this morning, Reid (Nev.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the process could take another six weeks.

The Guvment was sure quick in handing out "stimulus," oh, I am sorry, "bailout" money to their rich friends in the financial industry and on Wall Street. But come up with a plan that will help AMERICA from completely unravelling financially? Now, that will take, what -- months and months, first for the Democrats to argue amongst themselves (because, after all, any assistance to AMERICA cannot be too liberal or progressive), and then battle the obstruction from the Republicans (because, after all, that is all they know how to do).

I will repeat myself -- I don't believe Obama is going to make any headway as a president, at least insofar as AMERICA and AMERICAN interests go, for probably half his presidency (two years).

I am hopeful, though, that on the foreign front, Obama will be able to make a dramatic turnaround, both in this country's reputation abroad, and in the ability of this country to right the wrongs of the past eight years.

Hunker down, folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride. And to you Democrats that think nothing has changed and are still operating from the same core principals of the past eight years, beware of 2010. 2006 was the first wave of the American people's statement to Congress. 2008 was the second wave, and boy, it was a doozie, including electing a black man as president. If you politicians don't pay attention, 2010 will wipe out all of the obstructionists, both Republicans and Democrats.

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