Monday, September 01, 2008

This Is What You Get When "Barbie" Is Your Running Mate

Q: Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

Note to new Republican Vice Presidential candidate: The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Pledge as the official national pledge on June 22, 1942. Eisenhower signed the bill that added the words "under God" into law, on Flag Day June 14, 1954.

Let the dumbing down of America continue.


Anonymous said...

And Obama said he was tired from visiting all 57 states. I'm sure that was not a big deal to you. Everyone can mispeak at times. ALthough I believe Obama didn't mispeak, I think he was referring to the 57 states of Islam. Anyway I'm glad you are blogging politics again, I love reading your posts. My Uncle Arthur and you would be great friends. He is a progressive like you, except he has tolerance for those with opposing opinions. Maybe that's because he is the only Obama supporter in my entire family. Our big family reunion 2 weeks ago was so much fun. There were 139 of us from all over the country, 137 for McCain, then Uncle Arthur and his wife. Every family has the blacksheep I guess. LOL!

Bob said...

I used to tolerate opposing opinions. Back before loyal lifelong fiscal conservative Repugs like my grandparents, who voted against Roosevelt 4 times when they were younger, were villified by the new moral police as "RINO" & too "country club" & as insufficiently zealous in their promotion of the Approved Political Values of Jesus Christ. Fuck all of you assholes.

Carrie said...

There is a difference between being tired and misspeaking (he was probably thinking "47"), and just being plain stupid. Gov. Palin "wrote" that response in answer to a "written" questionnaire she received. She could have even googled it, for goodness sake. But, you know, it's just part and parcel to the Republican talking point, and full on myth, that this country was founded on Christian principles and is a Christian nation, to which they then point to the pledge of alegiance to justify that statement! Circular logic, best used when flushed down the circular drain. Palin is a nit wit. Neither of them (her and McSame) are very educated, let alone highly educated. And, to be quite honest about it, I'm tired of stupid people running this country. I'm pretty sure if Obama was filling out a questionnaire, he'd answer there are 50 states in the union, not counting territories. And speaking of stupid, did McSame misspeak when he talked about Czechoslovakia, or about the borders of Iraq and Pakistan, or doesn't know the difference betwen Somalia and Sudan (ah, the list goes on)? But, hey, he picked a "babe" for the VP so I guess we all can go fuck ourselves, right? And, now I'm reading that because McSame is angry at all the negative attention his VP choice has brought, he's refusing to let her be interviewed! That's confidence for you, eh? Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm laughing all the way to November.