Thursday, August 28, 2008

Channeling Dr. King

I am abundantly moved by tonight's speech. Not only can I remember Dr. King and the march on Washington in 1963, but I remember that speech. Unfortunately, aside from certain changes in laws that prevented open bigotry, a great deal did not really change over the years, and I became the cynic that I have been known to be concerning national politics.

Seeing so many people at Mile High Stadium, in what will go down in history as the largest American Democratic Party nomination acceptance attendance figures, felt as historic as the 250,000+ that were in Washington this day 45 years ago. I felt proud to be an American back in the 1960's when I supported changes in how we treated our fellow men and women of color, and women in general, having pretty much no rights other than to vote. I lost my respect for this country little by little over the years, but really losing it during the past 8 years when, against all logical probabilities, Bush and his crew just fucked each and every American citizen in the mishandling of foreign policy and our national treasures, not to mention driving the economy into the ground. After tonight, I feel more connected to what I have already learned over the past two years ... that the American people (forget the punditry, the press and those partisan politicians, be they Democrat or Republican say to the contrary) ARE NOT HAPPY with where this country is 8 years later. At this point in time, there isn't a Republican, not even their party's nomination for president, that can fill a football arena with supporters. American citizens have had it with the last 8 years, and they do not want "more of the same" as the mantra goes.

I am probably going to have to reconsider my ban on Obama, and just ignore the certain political choices he made as a Senator, and put my eggs in one basket and believe that as a president, he will have much more say and authority to get across the changes that this country really needs to get back on its feet.

Calling Dr. King. Was it just me, or did Obama almost pick up the accent of Dr. King those last few minutes?

Here's to the next president of the United States ... High five to Senator Obama.

P.S., I did think the funniest line of tonight's convention was from an ordinary guy as part of the ordinary guy/girl tributes to Obama, who's name is Barney Smith. He said "we need a president who puts Barney Smith before Smith Barney."

1 comment:

Bob said...

Oh yeah, he sailed in those final paragraphs.

But I knew he could do that, & I wanted him to save it for the end. I needed him to channel some of Hillary's partisanship, & he did that, too. It made him an authentic contender for me,