Thursday, June 26, 2008

If Only Regular Americans Could Refuse Reality By Simply Not Reading Their E-Mail, Like Bush!

The White House in December refused to accept the Environmental Protection Agency’s conclusion that greenhouse gases are pollutants that must be controlled, telling agency officials that an e-mail message containing the document would not be opened, senior E.P.A. officials said last week.

I find this to be one of the more hillarious avoidance techniques of the current administration! When was the last time any of us adults had the privilege of saying to our boss "nanner, nanner, nanner, if I don't open up your e-mail, I don't have to do the job, nanner, nanner, nanner?" Uh, like never! We would have been fired on the spot, not only for simply avoiding doing our job, but for acting like a 5 year old when we're 55 years old.

Steve Benen has his take on it.

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