Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good To Be A Californian!

The California Supreme Court, striking down two state laws that had limited marriages to unions between a man and a woman, ruled on Thursday that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

I've always been glad to be a resident of California. When my daughter was younger, and she would ask me about things she would hear on the news about restrictions on personal liberties in other states in this country, I would always tell her she was lucky to be living in California, where our state constitution is much more liberal than most states, and very much more liberal than the federal laws and statutes.

Just as I have never been able to understand one's prejudice toward people that are not white, I cannot understand people's equally ridiculous prejudice toward people with different sexual preferences.

It's a good day to be a Californian! And someone once told me this state was going red ... ha ha ha! NOT! This is a blue state that can easily handle having a Republican as governor without losing our liberties and rights guaranteed by our state constitution.

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