Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, I'll Be Darned, House Passes FISA Bill W/Out Telecom Immunity!

Virtually every one I know who has expended lots of efforts and energy on these FISA and telecom issues has assumed from the start -- for reasons that are all too well-known -- that we would lose. And we still might. But it's hard to deny that the behavior we're seeing from House Democrats is substantially improved, quite commendably so, as compared to the last year and even before that. It's very rare when there are meaningful victories and I think it's important to acknowledge when they happen.

As Gomer Pyle would say, surprise, surprise! Glenn Greenwald aptly states, though, there still could be a cave-in at some point in the future, but most of us die hards were convinced the House would never defy the BushBots.

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