Thursday, December 20, 2007

"... who will liberate Iraq from the United States?"

One can only wonder, now that the United States has "liberated" Iraq from Saddam Hussein, just who will liberate Iraq from the United States?

I found this closing sentence funny, and sad. It's like who's really going to take out the bully?

The whole article is worth the read. It concerns the approval by the UN Security Counsel of extending/continuing the mandate concerning the U.S.A.'s presence in Iraq, which according to the actual government in Iraq, was not supposed to be extended without approval from the actual government in Iraq. Apparently Maliki and Bush pushed it through and the really inept UN Security Counsel rubber stamped the Bush policy, before both Congress here in the U.S.A. and in Iraq had a chance to review it, discuss it, and pass legislation about it. And in Iraq, they had already put into law a condition that specificially required Maliki to get parliamentary approval before renewing the mandate this year.

The move violated both the Iraqi constitution and a law passed earlier this year by the Iraqi parliament -- the only body directly elected by all those purple-finger-waving Iraqis in 2005 -- and it defied the will of around 80 percent of the Iraqi population.

Sounds a lot like how our current government operates, with complete disregard for the laws and the will of the people that these laws are made of and for.

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