Sunday, July 15, 2007

All along, it's been the Saudis who are the enemy. P.S., My 1,250th Post

BAGHDAD — Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers.

About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures made available to The Times by the senior officer. Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, he said.

It still amazes me that we are even in Iraq. The Saudis are our enemy, not the Iraqis. The 9/11 attackers were Saudi, not Iraqi. Bin Laden is Saudi, not Iraqi. The Bush family has been in bed with the Saudis from day one. If not for the Bush family, the Saudis, including Bin Laden's family, would not have been so quickly evacuated from the United States after 9/11.

Now that the Bush family has their war in Iraq, they keep trying to blame Syria and Iran so they can invade their countries and make their war profiteer friends more money off the bleeding of the United States Treasury. But, all along, it's been the Saudis who are the enemy.

1 comment:

Muddz said...

Carrie, here, in Britain, BAE Systems - armament manufacturers - were subject of corruption police investigation(Paying millions to Saudi to secure arms contract) Investigation halted by order of British Prime Minister 'Blair the Bloody' on grounds of 'national security'!!
Trying to deal with local case of corruption/political ambition here in Cumbria, UK which you can see at the FurnessFurnace blog (if you have the patience) With best wishes.