Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's Looking More And More Like Watergate Unfolding

In my early twenties in the Watergate years, I remember how information kept coming out about the break-in and the ties to the President and the alleged cover-up. Back then, this was just incredulous to me. Mind you, I didn't for a moment put it past the Nixon administration to be guilty of any and all the claims being made, but it was such a far cry from what was the perceived governmental involvement in things nefarious. Of course, the younger generation were opposed to the Viet Nam war, but it really wasn't until later that the facts underlying the United States' presence there were revealed.

So, I was constantly on the edge of my seat as each new revelation came out about the Nixon administration. As I watched it all fall apart (who can forget Martha Mitchell and all her ramblings!) I was amazed at the depth and level of the conspiracy! And, of course, the famous tapes with the missing parts (erased, for sure).

Now, I have a completely different attitude about the Bush administration's lies and deceit, and there is not a single doubt in my mind that this guy is crooked, and his entire administration is crooked, and most Republicans in congress are crooked. I don't sit and watch Bush press conferences in amazement ... I'm shrieking at the top of my lungs at this most extreme lying sack of shit.

It's beginning to look a lot like Watergate.

UPDATE: Speaking of "missing," TPM has this to say.
SHADES OF ROSE Mary Woods? An 18 day gap?

I think a commenter in our document dump research thread may have been the first to notice that the emails released by the Justice Department seem to have a gap between November 15th and December 4th of last year.

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