Monday, March 05, 2007

Another Ridiculous Right Wing Explanation For The Walter Reed Fiasco -- It's Socialized Medicine!

The way this is being politicised is nauseating...especially coming from leftwingers who for the past 5 years have shown they don't care at all about the troops.

At any rate, it is a problem, it has been identified and it is being fixed. This, though, is the sort of thing which is going to happen when you have a large, bureaucratic organization...this is socialised medicine. When I was in, I broke my collar bone and had to wait three days or so for a proper brace...they tried; the Docs were good, the corpsmen were good - heck, they even got the chief bo'sun to try and rig up a brace for me using a safety harness...but, somewhere along the line someone neglected to order collar bone one's fault, just happened.

You lefties just go about your business - I'm not buying these crocadile tears.

Posted by: Mark Noonan at March 6, 2007 12:23 AM

Socialized medicine? The damn Army privatized the services at Army hospitals, for Christ's sake, MARK! There's really nothing more I could add to this ridiculous post at Butts4Bush. Sheesh.

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