Wednesday, December 13, 2006

History Or Not, Absolutely The Worst President Ever

WASHINGTON — History's view of George W. Bush will be harsh, Americans predict.

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, a 54% majority says Bush will be judged as a below-average or poor president, more than double the negative rating given any of his five most recent predecessors.

Duh. But GWB doesn't give a rat's ass, because as he said earlier, HE'LL BE DEAD WHEN HISTORY GETS IT RIGHT!

Of course, GWB believes that history will "vindicate" him as the greatest president ever, but that's just typical of delusional people not in touch with reality. The majority of Americans want out of Iraq; the majority of Americans want a change in foreign policy matters; the majority of Americans voted the damn Republicans OUT OF OFFICE and EXPECT a change. So, what does this president do? Extends his favorite fickle finger of fate to the Americans and says "screw you."


Anonymous said...

Of course, GWB believes that history will "vindicate" him as the greatest president ever, but that's just typical of delusional people not in touch with reality.

Carrie. Methinks that it is you that is delusional. When did GWBush begin telling you what he believes?

the majority of Americans voted the damn Republicans OUT OF OFFICE and EXPECT a change.

just.cannot.stop.with.the.lies, huh Carrie? The Republicans held the majority of the seats where they were the incumbants. The Republicans lost less than the historical average for a mid-term elections during a second term Presidency. Polls prove that many traditional Republican voters wanted more aggression (re the Islamists from the President, not less. Some voted accordingly, while others stayed home.

Anonymous said...

Jimmah Carter is absolutely the worst President ever. At least in my lifetime.....