Sunday, July 16, 2006

Uh, What Was That You Said, Condi?

RICE: Well, first of all, those hostilities were not very well contained as we found out on September 11th, so the notion that policies that finally confront extremism are actually causing extremism, I find grotesque.

Condi Rice on ABC's This Week, responding to Stephanopoulos's comment about the Bush administration's claim of peace and stability in the Middle East due to our actions in Iraq, and how peace and stability is not exactly the status quo these days.

I find Condi to be the one that is grotesque.

Hat tip to Think Progress.

UPDATE: This from Juan Cole:

The logical fallacy here is to describe a unilateral war of aggression and then a botched occupation with the euphemism of "confronting extremism." Of course the former can cause extremism. And did. That's not grotesque, that's just the fact of the matter.

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