Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm Still Waiting For Gov. Taft To Get His

More than two years after investigators began probing Tom Noe’s vaunted political fund-raising ability, he admitted yesterday that he used friends and colleagues to illegally pour thousands of dollars into the effort to re-elect President Bush.

Noe, whose fund-raising acumen earned him star status as a Bush “Pioneer” and helped him secure coveted federal and state political appointments, pleaded guilty to all three felony counts he faced.


For more than a year, Republicans in Ohio and Washington have been subjected to continued revelations about a man who had constant access to Gov. Bob Taft’s office and who was a guest at the White House. The President won a second term on the strength of a narrow victory in Ohio.

Yeah, narrow victory my ass. Diebold and friends delivered the victory to Bush, the most illegal president we have ever had. Everything done to put this man in the White House reeks of shit. I just hope that the stench wafts over those red states and their inhabitants, and they don't confuse it with "them farm animals."

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