Tuesday, March 14, 2006

No Proof Of Bush Claim Iran Supplying Iraq With IED Components

I posted a week ago about Bush's new lies about Iran providing Iraq with components to make IEDs. Well, it appears I was right!

The top U.S. military officer said on Tuesday the United States does not have proof that Iran's government is responsible for Iranians smuggling weapons and military personnel into Iraq.

President George W. Bush said on Monday components from Iran were being used in powerful roadside bombs used in Iraq, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said last week that Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel had been inside Iraq.

Asked whether the United States has proof that Iran's government was behind these developments, Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Pentagon briefing, "I do not, sir."

There you have it. Proof, not that at this point in time we aren't swimming in pools of proof concerning the Bush Administration lies, but proof nonetheless that the claim of Iran supplying Iraq with components to build IEDs is not supported by any factual evidence.

Isn't anyone else just as fed up with this crap, as I am?

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