Sunday, March 26, 2006

Half-million protesters peacefully clog L.A. streets

So, the crowd estimte was 500,000. That's a rather large crowd, any way you look at it. I like this quote from one of the participants:

Gonzalez rejected claims by advocates of the legislation that it would help protect the nation from terrorism, noting that it would hurt Hispanics the most.

"When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center?" he said. "Who do you think built the World Trade Center?"

This continent was populated by brown skinned people long before any of the caucasian conquerors came over from Europe. I find it interesting that "white" culture today has corrupted even some "brown" culture into believing "illegal" immigration is this country's number one problem. I cringe every time I hear people talk about "not rewarding" those here illegally because they "broke the law." The very same politicians that spout that crap are usually the ones that "broke" laws in their position, and have been rewarded. Think: majority of the Republican party in Washington at this moment.

My grandmother came over "on the boat" as they say. I am only a second generation AMERICAN. Many of these so called supporters of immigration reform are not much more removed from landing on these shores a short while ago.

Let's hope that calmer heads prevail on this issue. I really don't want our borders to look like East/West Berlin circa the Cold War era.

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