Sunday, March 19, 2006

Blogging The L.A. Marathon

The L.A. Marathon runs right out in front of my apartment. I live in the 6th Street and La Brea area, and it is between miles 19 and 20. Usually some radio station parks it in the gas station across the street (which is usually closed until the afternoon the day of the race) and plays music. It's a festive event all day in my area. The grandkid and I awoke at 3:30 a.m. to the sound of the parking guys towing away those errant vehicles who's owners forgot about the race. We went back to sleep, of course, but awoke around 6:00 a.m. when we could hear the one or two individuals already out cheering on the leading bicycle racers.

I have this really cool portable four-seater picnic table, so I made a quick pot of coffee, dressed the grandkid in warm clothes, grabbed the table and some toys, and the portable tv, and hoofed it out to the front.

We watched the leading handicapped cyclers go by, then the leading ladies go by, followed by the leading men. When it comes time for the pack, we pin on a number on the grandkid, and film him running a few blocks in the race!

It was great to see the ladies take the overall race.

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