Thursday, March 02, 2006

Asleep at the wheel, and driving the country into a brick wall at 100 MPH

From The Carpetbagger Report:

The lead headline at right now reads, "Transcript shows governments underestimated Katrina." That's false. The transcript shows that the various government agencies recognized exactly how serious Katrina was, but also shows a detached president who was confident that everything would work out fine because, well, he said so.

That is exactly the point. The only people underestimating anything about Katrina were the president and his minions. No wonder this government refuses to release any relevant information about any relevant issue concerning just exactly what they were doing. Because, as this video shows, the president was told exactly what to excpect by way of damage to New Orleans from Katrina before the storm hit. And this president went merrily on his way, in the opposite direction, to continue on with his vacation. And then comes his famous excuse about "nobody" ever imagining "that the levees would break."

Liar, liar, liar, liar. And the idiot was just on national television two days before this video came out, reminding the American people that "nobody ever imagined the levees would break." Just in time to put it back fresh. The video even made it on our local news after the basketball game (9ish), something that generally is passed over by those corporate owned media outlets.

Let that sink in. The president was thoroughly briefed about the impending hurricane and the potential damage. They even discussed the Superdome and whether the roof would hold. And, despite all of this, the president just blows the country off and partys on. HE COULD GIVE A SHIT about the people of New Orleans. THEY WERE NOT A PART OF HIS BASE. And, now with elections in New Orleans coming up shortly, a large percentage of the Ninth Ward will not be voting.

Everything about Katrina stinks to the high heavens. This administration has passed the buck around so many times its worth only ten cents now. And at every juncture, Bush put forth his excuse that the damage was so accute that it was not possible for him to have expected it, let alone be prepared for it. And there you have it. The video. Every aspect of the anticipated damage by Katrina was explained to Bush, some of it in very stark, plain and angry language.

Since Bush claims he was never informed of how desparate the conditions would be, and we know he was present when all that information was discussed, one can only conclude the "my pet goat" syndrome kicked in.

This is not a myth. This administration is truly incompetent. Asleep at the wheel, and driving the country into a brick wall at 100 MPH.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Another "spin" is that Katrina was a level 3 storm as it passed NOLA. As I recall, the National Hurricane Center did not officially determine this until several weeks after the event. Which makes not an iota of difference now because it flattened a large portion of the Gulf Coast in addition to NOLA. & anyway in the hours before Katrina made landfall it was obviously one of the strongest, largest hurricanes ever. That the Federal Gov was not at that point in full crisis mode still appalls me.