Sunday, March 05, 2006

AP clarifies what Bush was told about levees

So, it appears the latest spin by the White House is the use of the word "overrun" as opposed to "breach" with regard to the levees in New Orleans, and that wonderful video that exposed Bush for the lazy son of a bitch that he is. Apparently the White House is sticking to its story that "no one could have anticipated the levees breaching," and they have put out the new spin that he was told (on the video) that the levees would be "overrun" not "breached." That is supposed to support the President's statement that "no one could have anticipated the levees breaching."

What does it matter whether "overtopped" or "breached" was used. The fact is that thousands of folks who otherwise would not have died, did lose their lives; with hundreds of thousands displaced and homeless. For Bush apologists to grab this thin straw, and use it to excuse his sleeping on his watch, is the apex of hypocrisy. Humans, fellow Americans, died, and others are homeless. Could their deaths had been prevented had Bush not continued his vacation, attending birthday bashes, or doing photo ops. with a guitar. Those are the facts we should be discussing, not whether one word or the other was used to warn Bush. And I thought blind sychophancy does not exist in America!!

Great comment over at USA Today, where they "clarify" what Bush was "told."

This administration just can't take the blame for anything. This new "clarification" just turns my stomach, and on a Sunday morning, no less.

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