"Is Jack Abramoff the gift that will keep on giving? And will he destroy the Republican Party?"
It's a good read by David Corn. A little on the long side, but, well, that's David.
Like some of the right wing blogs say over and over, so what. They keep pointing out that every time some big scandal comes to light, the left gets all giddy waiting for the dominoes to fall. And, as they also point out, Bush is still president.
Now, as for me personally, when it was clear that Bush was going to be at it for another four years, I looked to the Nixon scandal-ridden second term as solice. I noted in my own little book, to remember that Nixon resigned in the second year of his term.
I know there's talk of impeachment out there, but I'm not jumping on that bandwagon. After all, we'd have to impeach the whole lot of them before we get down the line and have someone with credibility step up. When Nixon resigned, we got Ford. If Bush gets impeached, we get Cheney, and quite frankly, I'd rather have Bush The Idiot than Darth Cheney at the helm.
As has been noted by the left, in response to the above right wing talk, the Nixon media was not as compliant or complicit as it is in the Bush era. Not that Nixon's group didn't intimidate reporters, or any one else that opposed their objectives. It's just that Nixon's group were not in control of the corporations, and the corporations were not in control of main stream media.
The media has been very responsible for the dumbing of America. We could not have a country where 30% still believe Sadam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 unless the media constantly told you so, and you heard nothing to the contrary that wasn't marginalized as coming from left wing pinko commies.
So, as for Abramoff, and his impact on our political system, and Bush, I don't know. It looks and sounds good. But, unless and until that 30% is reduced to say, under 10%, Bush may still skate.
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