Monday, December 05, 2005

Condi Needs To Be Bitch Slapped, NOW

For decades, the United States and other countries have used "renditions" to transport terrorist suspects from the country where they were captured to their home country or to other countries where they can be questioned, held, or brought to justice.


Rendition is a vital tool in combating transnational terrorism. Its use is not unique to the United States, or to the current administration. Last year, then Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet recalled that our earlier counterterrorism successes included "the rendition of many dozens of terrorists prior to September 11, 2001".

Someone really, really, really needs to bitchslap this piece of shit that passes for a human being.

Every time she opens her mouth, crap just comes out. This time, it's about the secret CIA prisons, the gulags, as it were. The Bush defense now is everyone does it, so what is the big deal.

Just when you think more stuff can't crawl out from underneath the rock ...

1 comment:

Bob said...

Condi was so insulting to European nations today that I thought they should ask her to leave & not return until she apologizes.