Saturday, December 24, 2005

But there is no war against religion, they say...yeah. Sure. Whatever you say, lefties...

Typical flawed reasoning over at Butts4Bush:

I'm a believer in God; ergo, I'm a believer that the universe was designed by an intelligence. Given that one recent poll I saw shows that 94% of Americans believe in God, it follows that 94% believe in intelligent design of the universe.

... "it follows that ..."

With that reasoning, let's try this on for size. 70% of Americans think that Bush lied to this country about the reasons for going to war in Iraq, ERGO, 70% of Americans believe BUSH IS A BIG FAT FUCKING LIAR.

Yeah, I like that!

The post closes with this little doosie:

Our children are not to even so much as hear about alternative theories of the universe because any alternative is an establishment of a different religion from that of our reigning liberal orthodoxy.

How in the name of GOD can these people talk about "reigning liberal orthodoxy," when the God Damnned Right Wing Fucking Christian Neocons are the ones in charge of the White House, The House and The Senate? I can't find one fucking liberal up on the hill, as it were, so it just galls me when I read or hear or have to listen to these really ignorant assholes talk about the "reigning liberal orthodoxy," which does not exist. I swear, don't these people smell the shit in their own pants once in a while?

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