Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Squeeze The Veggies

I suspect that this guy's concept of himself would be less enthusiastic about sharing the burden of pregnancy if the geography of the testicles were squeezed in a vise for 18 hours as he tried to expel a cantaloupe through his penis. It would very likely change his vision of the meaning of his life, as well.

This made me laugh out loud the first time I read it. Digby's on a roll giving his take on a take about a woman's right to choose.


Bob said...

Oy! I put well-articulated posts at Street Prophets, the kos "faith & politics" spinoff, & what do I get back? "I sense a lot of anger in your comments." Damned right you sense. Now try actually reading & understanding them!

No wonder the religious liberal folks are getting their butts kicked all over the farkin' map.

Thank heavens for the righteous pissed-offness here at Carrie's.

Carrie said...

In my righteous pissed-offness, I'm pouring free beer for the house, with the first shot of tequila free as well!

Cheers, Bob!

Drink up, and be righteously pissed off!

Red Green said...

Yikes!!! You suppose that description is a good comparison??? Geez, Carrie, I need a double Jameson's.....

Carrie said...

Double shot of Jameson's for Carlo. I'm leaving the vise grip in the other room!