Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Chalabi And Condi, Sitting In A Tree ...

Ahmed Chalabi comes in from the cold today, arriving in Washington to meet senior Bush administration officials for the first time in two years - despite lingering allegations that the Iraqi politician provided bogus pre-war intelligence, and a continuing investigation into whether he passed US secrets to Iran.

What is up with that? First, this guy was the bullshitter's bullshitter, when it came to addressing the issues of WMD in Iraq. Then, in a bizarre turn of events, the U.S. decided that it was Chalabi that had been leaking sensitive information to Iran (like the fact that the U.S. had broken Iran's spy codes), and there was talk of criminal investigation and charges.

Ah, the strange bedfellows this country has slept with in order to pull off the Iraq massacre.

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