Friday, November 18, 2005

Bush Mantra: Hell No, We Won't Go

With more and more members of congress growing a set, it has become fun to watch the Bush gang squirm over the calls for troop withdrawals from Iraq.

See, my view is that there was never any intention of leaving Iraq, due to the fact that they are building permanent bases there. The work has not stopped, and the goal of course, has always been to control the oil. It has nothing to do with the Iraqi people, their governance, or their freedom. It is all about their oil.

And, the American people, although desperate for oil, aren't really going to say yes to 10 more years of sacrificing our young men and women to Iraq, just so a few billionairs can reap in more billions.

So, watching the preznut squirm has been entertaining. Bush and his administration have dug in their heels and their chant is "hell no, we won't go."

Stay tuned.

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