Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Threat Discounted, New York Eases Subway Alert

"There was no there there," one senior United States counterterrorism official said of the possible threat that surfaced publicly late last week.

From the outset, some federal officials, including those with the Department of Homeland Security, questioned just how real a plot against the subway system had been, and while some supported the city's measures, at least one official said he was astonished by how the city had reacted.

Geeze, ya think?

Remember all the terror alerts we had just prior to the November 2004 presidential election? It seems we have the same control here, now that Bush's approval ratings have tanked. He did so well terrorizing the rest of America to vote for him that he's hoping he can terrorize his popularity back up.



Muddz said...

Hi Carrie,
Here in the UK we get 'terror alerts' on a fairly regular basis - especially when the New Labourites (neo-fascists, more like!) are about to introduce yet more draconian laws to further dismantle what few 'rights' we have left. And if any dare protest about this then they are declared to be in support of the terrorists!

Under the guise of the 'War on Terror' great injustices are being perpetrated and will continue to be perpetrated until the sleeping masses of pro-democracy awaken and rise to their feet. Unfortunately, their sleep is too sound and the weather rather inclement.....



Carrie said...

Now I read that Olberman's Countdown will do a show on Wednesday covering this very same topic. They will be asking the question, no doubt, coincidence or not?

Bob said...

Bumped Bloomberg ten points & probably wrecked whatever faint hopes Freddy Ferrer had.