Monday, October 24, 2005

That sort of denial is commonplace among criminals.

If there are indictments, I expect them to be of the obstruction of justice or perjury variety. You know, what they got that horrific criminal Martha Stewart on - not on a crime, but on how she answered questions to the cops investigating the crime that, hey, didn't actually happen. We keep indicting people because they slipped up in their grand jury testimony, then we're going to find 100% of grand jury witnesses taking the 5th.

What is going to flabbergast future generations is how this Plame issue was kept alive for so long - no crime was committed, the only liar is Joe Wilson...and Karl Rove, who did nothing wrong at all, is under the gun. Fitzgerald is an honest man by all accounts, but the fact that we got to this point must be laid at the feet of leftwing Democrats who are determined to criminalize conservative behaviour. It is not whether Rove, et al committed an actual crime; they are guilty of the crime of beating leftwing Democrats in democratic elections...for this, they must be punished. I still hope for a change in the Democrats - a purging of the hate-filled left so that we can engage in political debate without one side trying to utterly destroy the other...but if this is the way it has to be, then so be it.

When people opine that I was wrong to jettison my Republican ex-best friend, I read stuff like this which just confirms that I made the right decision.

I remember how vehemently he argued with me over Clinton being guilty of perjury, and I remember telling him that in depositions in family law, just about every man lies about having extra marital affairs. It is par for the course, and I found nothing criminal in that fact. But, Republicans were absolutely sure it was a crime in Clinton’s case, where the house went on to impeach him (although the senate failed to convict him). But, of course, now that the shoe is SO FUCKING OBVIOUSLY ON THE OTHER FOOT, perjury is no longer a crime, it is just politics as usual. And the new meme is that democrats are simply "criminalizing" politics!
If lying was good enough to get Clinton impeached by one part of our government’s ruling body, then lying is good enough to get Bush administration individuals indicted.

This "it’s a non-crime" attitude and approach by the right wing crybabies is just the sort of whining you see when the criminal is incarcerated, all the while protesting he/she is innocent of the crime convicted of. That sort of denial is commonplace among criminals.

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