Monday, October 31, 2005

Quarter Counted As A "Vote" In Local Election

This is an unbelievable story, and an absolute MUST read. Courtesy of Hoffmania.

It doesn't matter what office republicans run for, their wins are almost always ill-gotten and procured by unsavory conduct.

It's the same game, with different players -- a close election and the GOP using their weapon of choice, by fighting to ensure that votes are not counted.

And for Democrats, the song – and the lesson -- remain the same: Whether it is for the presidency, a senate race or a part-time job paying $4,800 per year to be the mayor of Irvington, the Republican apple seldom falls far from the tree. And, if push comes to shove, the GOP will always – always – reach for their trump card of tossing legitimate votes if it serves their agenda.

Meanwhile, Erin Malloy says that the Republican tactics of this race are entirely consistent with the way they operate at any level.

"OK it's not Gore/Bush, Florida 2000, or Kerry/Bush, Ohio 2004, but the tactics are the same," said Malloy. "Attack on the ground at the polling place, disenfranchise voters; finish the job in the courts."

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