Saturday, September 24, 2005

So, Just Where WAS The Counter Protest?

I find it interesting that early reports on the crowd at the anti-war protest was in the "tens of thousands," but that the counter-protest, pro-war rally garnered, at best, a crowd of about 100 to 150.

The pro-war vocal majority, my ass!


Anonymous said...

I covered it for a newspaper. There was 100,000+ against the war, and if there was 200 pro-war people, I'd be shocked.

Carrie said...

See, that's what I am talking about. M$M would have you believe that only the nutjob lefties oppose the war, and those that support this war are the majority of mainstream Americans. The fact that 100,000 mainstream Americans showed up to voice their anti-war sentiments, and only 200 or so "nutjobs" came to show their support for the war, is very telling. M$M, as well as this administration, are unbelievably removed from what mainstream Americans believe, and this is just one activity (the protest) that lends credence to the anti-war movement. Cindy Sheehan, far from marginalizing the movement, trully did galvanize it.

Red Green said...

Hey, Carrie. I'll have one of those lovely Guinness tappers..... The slanted news coverage in this country paves the way for situations like this: A few weeks ago I watched a guy tell my friend "Hey, if you don't like this country, I'll buy you a bus ticket the hell out of here!". This from a work-a-day guy that was born, raised and still lives in central Wisconsin. My friend was talking to him about the lies and deceit that got us into Iraq and the mis-handling of just about anything you care to talk about. This guy was saying, in essence, 'love it or leave it, my country right or wrong'. Now you know he didn't get his opinions from any first hand knowledge of Iraq. He didn't get it from exploring any alternative viewpoints or trying to discover what is true or false.... my country, right or wrong!!!

My glass is empty.......

Carrie said...

(filling up Carlo's glass)

That's about all they have left to say, Carlo. Just like with Viet Nam, at first the demonstrators were dismissed as just being the fringe element. After the voices became louder and larger, it was obvious that the majority of Americans were against the war. Those that had supported it, in the face of such opposition, could only retreat to their mantra, "love it or leave it, my country, right or wrong." They said that back in the fifties when everyone left of Hoover was a pinko commie bastard, and they're still saying it today, to all the "islamofascists" that want the U.S. out of Iraq.

Viva America ... Impeach Bush, and jail the rest of the tyrants.

Bob said...

The Pentagon sponsored 8/11 walk stiffed so badly it was hardly covered by the press, happening as it did right after Katrina. Just as well for organizers, since it wasn't going to be a success anyway.

This anti-war demonstration didn't gain the popular impetus it would have had the two hurricanes not intervened & pushed the Iraq casualty count & Cindy Sheehan off the front page. Publicity was low key, A lot of people didn't want to travel,& a lot couldn't make the trip. I don't go to large demonstrations (or large concerts). Over all, I think 100,000 is a good turnout, given that there were so many local rallies, which could be added to the D.C. total. Hopefully, there will be no more hurricanes this year, & we can focus on the ineptitude & cronyism of the Bush administration as it continues to screw up at home & abroad.