Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yes, Virginia, They Really Are That Desperate

I think this is pretty funny. It appears that the Bushies have used an Iraqi shill, a woman, to try to counter the growing Sheehan snowball. This woman "apparently" went to Crawford to tell Sheehan that she, as an Iraqi, can categorically state that Sheehan's son did die for a noble cause. The woman then was on the show Hardball to badmouth Sheehan!

Well ... as they say, the story gets more interesting. See, the woman is married to Greg Lamotte with Voice of America (VOA). Voice of America (VOA) is an international multimedia broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

From a DailyKos diary:

So, besides the dishonest attack of my friend with my tax dollars (no doubt the VOA hubby who accompanied her from DC was on the clock), why else do I have my panties in a knot over this? HERE'S WHY - THE VOICE OF AMERICA IS AN INTELLIGENCE OPERATION. IT IS SET UP TO BROADCAST AND "REPORT" PROPOGANDA. UNDER THE SMITH-MUNDT ACT OF 1948 IT IS ILLEGAL FOR VOA REPORTS AND BROADCAST INFO TO BE DISSEMINATED TO THE U.S. Why? Because the U.S. government isn't supposed to lie and spread propoganda to its own people.

Do you think it's a coincidence that the wife of a professional U.S. government propogandist shows up in BF Crawford to attack Cindy? Write MSNBC and Hardball and Matthews and I imagine the other networks and any other news referencing this woman and let's get the truth out there. This truly shows how desparate the Bush Administration has become.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Current Dubya disapproval rating in New Jersey: 61% & rising. & this state is not as "blue" as a lot of people think.