Monday, August 22, 2005

Where's The Beef?

I just love reading about the progress being made in Montana under the stewardship of Gov. Brian Schweitzer. This time he's pissed off the USDA over his handling of the beef that enters his state. Read this piece by David Sirota:

Reuters reports today that Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D)has riled up the hacks at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) when, after revelations of Mad Cow disease, he announced plans to test Canadian cattle entering his state and charge meat processing companies for the extra inspection. Schweitzer said he wasn't surprised by the USDA's willingness to fight for the meat industry and against his pro-consumer efforts. "A few years ago, the four big meat companies, they expanded their role in this country," he said. "They bought a U.S. company called the United States Department of Agriculture." Schweitzer said the USDA officials "are a bunch of stooges" and noted that "The USDA crawled right into bed with them (the meat companies) and they run our internal policy and our international (beef) policy." He's exactly right.

As Knight-Ridder reported on 5/18/03, President Bush has made sure USDA "is staffed with former executives of the meat industry, now in charge of regulating their former employers." USDA "Chief of staff Dale Moore, senior adviser Elizabeth Johnson, and Chuck Lambert, deputy undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, all came from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Deputy Undersecretary James Butler joined USDA after serving as partner in Butler & Son Charolais Ranch, a Texas cattle company, while Deputy Secretary James Moseley was managing partner of Infinity Pork L.L.C., an Indiana hog farm. Donna Reifschneider, the agency's administrator of inspection is the former president of the National Pork Producers Council."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could say it was WAY different when Clinton was President, but it wasn't really. More Farmer's Union and WORC types, but from the industry...