Monday, August 22, 2005

Think About It

I couldn't have said it better myself.

George W. Bush: The Laziest President in American History. Think about that the next time you're bone-tired and wishing for even a couple days off, knowing you can't take them because you can't afford to because, thanks to the efforts of Shrub, Cheney and the other robber barons in their Party, gas prices are outrageous, you can't afford decent health insurance and the company you work for just dissolved your pension after receiving an orgy of tax breaks from their water carriers in Congress. Think about that the next time you see a credit card commercial with some impossibly tanned middle-aged white CEO on some golf course in Hawaii, enjoying that $175 million dollar golden parachute he got for laying off 900,000 workers and moving the company address offshore to evade having to pay any taxes like the commoners. I bet he's having a real good vacation. In fact, I bet he feels a lot like Shrub; that running the country headlong into a financial and environmental ditch is just hard work, and sometimes, well, war be damned, you just have to get away from it all.

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