Sunday, August 14, 2005

How Low Can Army Recruitment Get? This Low

The Army is no longer just an "Army of One," it's looking for a few good parents.

A new series of television ads aims to get parents to "Help them find their strength" and not stand in the way of their children signing up. One such commercial begins with a teenager telling his mother he's found a way to pay for his college education. When he reveals that the answer is the military, she becomes skeptical.

"Go on," she says cautiously.

"I already checked them out," he says, trying to dissolve her disapproving glare. "And I can get training in about any field I want.

"And besides, it's time for me to be the man."

Satisfied, she smiles. "OK, tell me more."

This is just too disgusting for me to digest this early in the morning.


Red Green said...

Scotch on ice for me, Carrie. I noticed the offensive ads. Unfortunately, I also know people who are WAY more enthusiastic about their kids getting into the military....
I'll have another.

Carrie said...

I've got a nice Black Barrel on ice for you, when you return.