Tuesday, June 28, 2005

'I'm not sitting at the back of the bus anymore"

Lest we forget other news. From our good neighbor up north, we have this, courtesy of CathiefromCanada, regarding today's historic vote:

I phoned my daughter tonight to celebrate with her about the gay marriage vote. She said "Mom, I feel like I'm not sitting at the back of the bus anymore."

Exactly. Yes, exactly.

Not that gay marriage was actually banned anymore in eight provinces anyway, because of the court cases.

But its one thing for a judge to declare that gay marriage is constitutional, and its another thing entirely for the elected leadership of the country to demonstrate in such a concrete way their support for gay rights, their recognition that gay people are fully Canadian.

Or fully American.

As usual, under this administration, the US is far, far, far, far, far behind the rest of world on this issue of equality.

(typing huge cuz i'm shouting)

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