Friday, June 24, 2005

all I'm seeing is fuck-up after fuck-up after fuck-up

Amd of course, we have Iraq --- the inexplicable war that nobody really understands, including those who willingly spew happy horseshit about "freedom and democracy" every five minutes --- a war that's costing us our future (to the tune of a billion a week) and the future of America's kids, for no good goddamned reason.

So, please let's talk some more about how liberals don't know how to fight the war on terror. Tell us again how tough the Republicans are and how only they know how to protect the United States because all I'm seeing is fuck-up after fuck-up after fuck-up. In fact, what I'm seeing is the biggest non-stop fuck-up in American history.

Digby has a long read, but it's well worth it.

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