Sunday, May 08, 2005

Thousands protest Bush in The Netherlands

Pictures of the protests, and comments below, courtesy of dearkitty:

What do the general public in The Netherlands think about the Bush administration? For the Bush visit, there was public opinion research by TV station RTL:

64% of people thinks the attitude of the Bush administration to other countries is "scary".

71% says they exaggerate the threat of terrorism in order to promote their own interests."Bush is a danger to world peace." Agree: 56%.

The European Union, including The Netherlands, should counter US policies. Agree: 71%.

The Bush administration pressures other countries too much to make and keep them US allies. Agree: 79%.

Lap dog

68% of Dutch people agree with the thesis that the administration of Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende behaves likes Bush's lapdog.

Elderly people are somewhat less sharp in their criticism of Bush than young people. Women are more critical than men.

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