Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This Post Is About Bowling (ha ha ha)

This was soooooo funny, I have to post it in its entirety!

This Diary is about Bowling
by daunte Cross-posted at dkos...

I met up with a friend to play a match in our bowling league last night. Before we got started, we had an interesting pre-game discussion. It started with him asking me to give him seven extra "bonus frames" so he could add to his score. You can imagine I wasn't too happy about it, and there was no way I was going to accept it.

A transcript of our ensuing conversation follows...

Friend So... before we get going, I want you to give me seven extra bonus frames per game to add to my score.

Me Excuse me?

Friend That's right. I'm bigger than you. I usually win when we bowl together. So it's only fair that you give me seven free extra frames.

Me I don't think that's fair at all. You get seventeen frames and me only the usual ten?

Friend Tell you what. If you aren't going to give me seven frames, then there's a new rule we're going to play with: the smaller player can't use his hands.

Me What?! Can't use his hands? That's ridiculous. You won't even need your extra frames. I won't knock over a single pin!

Friend Well, since I am bigger than you...

Me Come on.

Friend You want to vote on it?

Me What sense would that make? There are only two of us.

Friend Well, I am the rules committee chairman for the league. And the lanes are reserved in my name...

Me Don't be an ass.

Friend Alright, alright. Tell you what. If you give me just five extra frames, I'll let you use your hands.

Me Five extra?

Friend And I won't invoke the no-hands rule. Not during this match.

Me Well...

Friend We could always go back to the no-hands-rule.

Me Hmm... Tell you what: I'll give you three extra frames as long as you don't invoke the no-hands rule.

Friend Three frames?! That's all?! You gotta be kidding me.

Me That's all I'm going to offer. Take it or leave it. If not, I'm not playing.
Friend Wait, slow down a sec. Neither of us wants that.

Me Well that's the deal. Three frames, and forget the no-hands rule for this match.

Friend Damn, man. You drive a hard bargain.

Me Take it or leave it.

Friend Alright, alright, but I'm not happy about this.

Me You're better than me at bowling. You can't have everything.

Friend Okay, okay. You win this one. I won't bring up the no-hands rule at least for the rest of this match.

Me Good. Fair is fair.

Friend Indeed, fair is fair. Let's get started. I'm going to bowl my three extra frames first.

My friend sure seemed unhappy, so I was pretty pleased with how our negotiation worked out. And, I might have a better chance now to replace him as chairman of the rules committee next year, though who knows what will happen between now and then.

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