Sunday, May 08, 2005

NY Times Picks Up Sirotablog Scoop on Medicare

For those of you who believe that blogging (and/or the concept of "the little guy") has zero impact on society as a whole, or that they can have an impact on issues, I offer the following from David Sirota to prove otherwise.

Forgive me for a bit of shameless, irritating self-congratulation, but this is some great news I just had to share because it gives us all hope that we can make an impact and occasionally break through the media din. On Friday May 6th, Sirotablog had an exclusive story uncovering evidence that the Bush administration is now telling Congress and the public that food stamp recipients could see their food stamp benefits eliminated under the new Medicare bill. The New York Times quickly got in touch with me for the details, and now has a prominent story on the scam in its May 8th newspaper.

The administration's efforts to cut food stamps for Medicare recipients stands in stark contrast to its earlier public promises that indicated food stamp benefits would be preserved. And while the mainstream media often ignores such hypocrisy, this time - thankfully - at least the New York Times did not. That's a major victory for the progressives and the blogosphere as a whole, because it makes sure thousands of people will see exactly how the Bush administration is waging an economic war on ordinary Americans.

See the New York Times' full story here. For more details, see the original Sirotablog post that exposed the Bush administration's scam here.

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