Monday, May 09, 2005

It's Just Not True, I Tell You, Not True!

The old "I didn't read it, but I know it is wrong" defense. Sheesh. The article is from the Kansas City Star (registraion rquired), but courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

One of the state school board members leading hearings into possible changes to the teaching of evolution said Friday that she had not read the standards under scrutiny. Martin, who said she had doubts about evolution, said many of the science standards proposed by the majority were too technical for her to read thoroughly. She said she had read most of the minority report. “I scan,” she said. “I'm not a word-for-word reader.” Pedro Irigonegaray, a Topeka lawyer who is defending the way science is currently taught, berated witnesses who admitted that they had not read the standards they were criticizing.

DIDN'T READ THE STANDARDS BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO TECHNICAL? This is a witness against teaching evolution and for teaching INTELLIGENT design, but the STANDARDS in science supporting evolution are TOO TECHNICAL for this witness. She's not a WORD-FOR-WORD reader! Man, oh man, this just takes the cake. And they are wasting tax payer dollars for this, pardon my FRENCH, fucking trial? What a way to start a Monday!

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