Monday, May 23, 2005

In The Wonderful Land Of Oz ... Or Not

Iraq, Karzai, Saadam in his underwear, Laura Bush bashed, Iraq, Iraq, filibuster, evil Senators, Iraq, Wal-Mart, Newsweek, Iraq, evil Senators, filibuster, damn activist judges.

That was really it much of the weekend.

On Iraq, it’s the same old song by the Dumbya brigade. If I read or hear the phrase "freedom is on the march," I just might ... (left blank intentionally lest I be invaded by the thought police).

This weekend sucked for news. Iraq, Iraq, and more Iraq. How can it be that the Downing Street Memo still hasn’t resonated in prairie land? At least some smart asses have put together a website to exclusively cover this issue. It’s been proven over and over that the data upon which Dumbya and his dumbettes used to invade Iraq was false. Yet, news about prewar assessments still does not spark outrage. And just when you thought it was safe, we get this: Just What Every Iraqi Needs ... A Bible.

As I pointed out in an earlier piece on the lying sacks we call M$M, we are being lied to on a grand scale, the magnitude of which only left wing wackos like me understand. Over the weekend, the Tillman Family began making some noise of the grandest of lies told about their son, Pat Tillman, whom you will remember was shot by his own troops (called "friendly fire") but was originally reported by this lying administration and their cohorts, the M$M, that Tillman died trying to save fellow members of the 75th Ranger Regiment caught in a crush of enemy fire.

Speaking of Dumb Ya, here’s a piece I suggest reading, by Ed Naha, which starts off with this interesting observation: "If this country gets any dumber, I swear we'll all be given government-issued gloves so that we don't scrape our knuckles while loping around. Oval office drool cups might be nice, too."

While I’m on a roll, let’s not back off from taking a swipe at Wal-Mart, the United States’ favorite welfare cheat. Maryland's governor vetoed a bill that would have obliged large businesses to spend more on employee health care. While that’s not astonishing in and of itself, what is totally pathetic and barf-like is the fact that Wal-Mart’s chief operating officer was standing right next to the governor as he vetoed the bill. The most documented and largest abuser of state welfare, i.e., wages so low that most employees have to go on state medicaid just to have health care, lobbies with all its might, and cozies up with Mr. Governor as he vetoes the bill. David Sirota has a take, as does the NYT.

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