Tuesday, May 24, 2005

If This Picture Doesn't Say It All ...


You know, at first it was serious, during the campaign trail of 2004, those little town hall meetings of Dumbya. But, because it was an election campaign, excuses were made all over the place that Dumbya had a right to screen his gatherings. So, even though it was considered outrageous, the Republikan party continued to screen its participants at the town hall meetings, rooting out anyone that even smacked of dissent (think T-shirts and bumper stickers), and making participants sign loyalty oaths to the Republikan party!

Flash forward to NOW, and this dummy is still going around the country in these staged town hall gatherings, this time over the issue of Social Security. When Dumbya first started his 60-day bamboozle tour, there was some effort in spinning these meetings as open to the public. However, as time wore on, and the opinion of the masses differed from the opinion spewing out of the town hall meetings, Dumbya and his crew threw caution to the wind, and stopped hiding the fact that the meetings were staged.

He has used taxpayer money to fund this meaningless campaign against Social Security. There isn’t a single poll out about this issue that would support even the most optimistic among their ilk's claim the there is a modicum of support for dismantling Social Security. Yet, there he is, as if there is nothing else going on in this world other than his fucking staged town hall meetings. What is wrong with those people that are at these meetings, anyway? This country is going to hell in a handbasket, Iraq is bleeding us to death, literally and figuratively, the economy sucks, unless you are super uber rich, affordable health care is virtually non-existant, and all this president can do is gather together fake groups of people and talk talking points about how bad the crisis is in SOCIAL SECURITY LAND!

I call him Dumbya, but the real dumb ones are the citizens of this great United States that elected this piece of crap and his companions, and that have allowed him to loot the U.S., literally and figuratively.

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