Monday, May 02, 2005

GOP taking over PBS, used White House staff to route out "liberal bias"

John, over at AMERICAblog, has this to say about the new head of PBS, as I posted about recently:

This is outrageous. The Republican head of PBS basically spied on Bill Moyers (did they do similar spying on Tucker Carlson for his short-lived show?) They used White House staff to help do their dirty work, paid them with PBS money while they were still working at the White House - hello? There's got to be a violation of law there. And now the Republican running the place is thinking of bringing in WHO to be the new head and ensure that PBS is no longer partisan? The former head of the Republican National Committee.

This is beyond anything I can even verbalize at this point. The far-right along with the Republican party has declared war on not just liberals, but on objective and independent American thought. They have adopted the tactics of fascism, national socialism and communist dictators, and every other tyranny
in history short of sending people off to death camps - though we do apparently send them off to government prison camps without batting an eye, and conservatives are now talking more and more about ethnically cleansing America for government positions (no Muslims), books in libraries (no gay authors), television (no mention of gays on TV shows), and more. Adolph Hitler would be proud of the extremists who are running the religious right and who have taken over the leadership of today's republican party.

Read the atrocity that is taking place at PBS. Doing stories about Tom DeLay's ethics are now "anti-Tom DeLay" stories according to the GOP head of PBS. George Orwell, party of one. And any story that even vaguely isn't positive of something President Bush has done is "anti-Bush."

These freaks and ideologues are slowly taking over our government and our society, piece by piece, with a brazen, to-hell-with-what-you-think hubris that should by now scare the hell out of anyone who cares about what this country used to stand for. It's time for not just the left to wake up and fight back, but for the middle and for Republicans who love this country and don't
embrace the far right agenda. These are people who, in the name of being apolitical, want to hire the former head of the RNC. These are the people who think FOX News is fair and balanced but the other networks are biased. This is Orwellian, Hitlerian, Stalinesque, and just about every other dictatorial adjective you can come up.

We're going to need some kind of bold, well-thought out master plan to respond to the final solution they're unleashing on our country. Everyone should be very afraid at this point, and very angry. We need leadership, and I fear it's not coming at all, let alone fast enough.

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